What About The Other 95%?

This is so simple you might say; “duh!… No kidding?” But I’m gonna bet my last #10 envelope you’re not doing it. If you are, then good for you. You’re way ahead of the pack.

But if you’re not, you’ll want to pay attention because this has everything to do with converting more website visitors into paying customer, clients or patients.

When a website visitor calls your office or business the first time, and doesn’t schedule an appointment because she wants to think about it and call you back later – do you capture her contact information anyway?

If you’re not, you ought to think about this…

The percentage of prospects who are ready to buy your product or service only represents 3% or 5% of prospective buyers. What we call the low hanging fruit.

The other 95% are not quite ready yet. That grand majority will be ready at some point in the future. It could be in 6 days or six months.

Will she remember you then, or will she go back to Google and start searching for your product or service again?

Here’s the take away…

If you take them off the market and bring them into your space – regardless if they come in now or a month later – they won’t have to search again. This is how you get the most out of your local internet marketing efforts.

If you capture their contact information and stay in contact with them, you dramatically increase your chances of converting more website visitors into paying customers.

Is this easy?

Well, it’s definitely not hard.

All it takes is telling your staff or phone person to start doing this tomorrow. That’s it!

On my next post I’ll show you a simple way to get them to part with their e-mail address without any hesitation so you can start an e-mail  marketing campaign. This way when they’re ready to by your product or service they already know you and trust you.

About the author

Frank Prieto helps companies grow through SEO, Pay Per Click and Web Development, utilizing response-based marketing to convert more leads into customers, clients or patients.